In that case, try uninstalling the old version first, before installing the new one. Keep in mind, that all data will be lost. To avoid losses, export the old settings.
Generally, your settings won't be erased when updating to a newer version. But you can none the less export all your settings, for instance if you have to uninstall the launcher or want to switch to another device. [Launcher Settings -> General Settings]
Then you probably have a device that's powered by the KSW system. On those devices, the audio driver isn't loaded until a system app starts it, normally the stock launcher would do this job. To fix the issue, you can try the KSW Soundrestorer or place a KSW app into autostart. KSW Soundrestorer
So far only SD625 and SD665 devices have global support for the iDrive Controller. On other devices, the inputs are not forwarded to 3rd party apps. USB or Bluetooth powered controllers should work on all units though.
The right wheel doesn't trigger a Android-KeyCode, so theres no way for the launcher to detect it. You have to use Hal9K to replace the KeyCodes of the wheel with ones that are recognized by Android, or directly map them to the Arrow-Keys.
Open the optionsmenu (the menu that opens with the "+") and press "Create new Card".
Inside the Media Collection, open the optionsmenu and press "Update Library", the launcher automatically searches for all supported Media Files and indexes them. If you want to create your own playlists, longpress a song and select all the songs you want to add to your new playlist. Afterwards open the optionsmenu and select the according playlist.
.mp3, .wav , .flac, .m4a, .avi, .mp4, .mkv
Try setting the path to your device manually. [Launcher Settings -> Music Paths -> optionsmenu -> add Path]
You CAN'T do that inside the Launcher!
You need either the I-BUS App or DeepOBD, you can also combine both of them. On devices with a SD625 processor, the launcher can read some infos without any further devices or apps.
You probably have to configure the sportsgauges yet. [Launcher Settings -> Sportsdisplays]
The launcher is 100% free, but if you want to donate me something personally, you can do that here: PayPal